Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for being here with me on this sacred adventure.
We are 11 days away from the official launch of La Befana’s Table podcast with Dina & Friends and the truth is that La Befana’s Table is only magic because of all of you.
So here is how you can help La Befana’s Table take flight
Though you, as my substack subscribers, will already receive episodes direct to your inbox, your pre-launch rating & reviews on Apple/Spotify will help this timely message of universal love and belonging reach more ears.
As a thanks…..
I’ll be sending the first 100 people to rate and review La Befana’s Table a custom sticker. (Yup…that’s the teacher/life long learner in me talking)
For each of the #12daysofbefana, you’ll also be entered to win a box of La Befana’s Dolcini to start 2023 with a little something sweet. All you have to do is respond to this message with a screen shot/photo of your rating and review.
And now for the CELEBRATION!!!
To celebrate the launch of La Befana’s Table on January 5th, 2023 you all invited to our inaugural Epiphany Extravaganza on Zoom. Join me for a night of stories, and gift sharing around the virtual hearth as well as music and dance featuring my dear friend Michela Musolino who is known for her fiery and passionate interpretations of both traditional and contemporary Sicilian Folk and Roots Music. (Eventbrite link will be sent in another email)
As a pre-launch gift, I have included a conversation where Michela and I chat about her memories of Italy’s legendary Epiphany witch as well as her new album La Notti Triunfanti.
Peace & Blessings,
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