Welcome back to another episode of La Befana’s Table. Today Musician, Storyteller, Peacemaker, and Radical Creative, Gabriel Meyer joins me at La Befana’s Table for a conversation on bridging our longing for (w)holiness with playfulness.
Born in Cordoba, Argentina. Son of human rights champion Rabbi Marshall Meyer. Gabriel opens hearts and builds cross-cultural bridges through music, humor, and story celebrating Spirit. He travels the Globe performing his music, facilitates interfaith and multicultural playshops and ceremonies.
He has led rituals, concerts, and workshops with great success for thousands of people around the world (Israel, Europe, North, Central & South America, India, Australia & South Africa) in the past 20 years.
In today’s episode, Gabriel blesses us with two different songs which serve as a jumping point for a conversation that touches on liminal space, sharing our true voice through song, how to simply be present to to the miracle that is life.
Join Us for a Sacred Playshop
If you like what you hear and want to learn how to bridge holiness and playfulness through an experience rooted in Kabbalah, and Sufiism, make sure you register for Gabriel's sacred playshop which is being offered on April 22, Upper West Side of New York City.
Register here
Lear more about Gabriel here and his works. https://www.gabrielmeyerhalevy.com/en/home
Keypoints of what we discuss:
00:00 Liminal Grace song
06:19 Start of conversation
07:00 What liminality is for Gabriel
24:15 About the Sacred Playshop: A bridge between Playfulness and Sacredness
30:19 The importance of telling your story
37:25 We need to learn how to walk as gracefully as we talk
43:05 There’s a time for planning and there is a time to let go
01:07:00 Too much unconditional love and too much compassion don’t make you a hero
01:11:28 Human song
Thanks so much for pulling up a seat at La Befana’s Table!
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