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Me too on the allergies I never had throughout my left and wasn't convinced this was as my symptoms were far more severe than I imagined allergies would cause.

At the beginning of the week I went to sleep with an unusual scratchy to sore throat and overall body aches which freaked me out as I am never sick. During the course of the night I kept waking up worried I had COVID.

The next morning my symptoms were worse. Sneezing, sniffles (with nothing coming out when I blew nose) body aches worse, but thankfully the COVID test was negative. I felt really bad, but had to work. During the day I mentioned this to one of the clients I was doing work for and she said her and her husband suffered many of these symptoms a few weeks earlier and they ended up being allergies which neither one of the knew they had.

I never suffered from allergies either, at least not with the severe symptoms I was and am still experiencing, but I decided to treat it as allergies, mostly by using my Flonase spray and also decided to treat it as if it was a cold or flu (though I didn't have fever) with my usual remedy Goldenseal (2 ever 4 to 6 hours) as this herbal supplement acts like both an anti-viral and anti-biotic.

Finally today, the aches are gone the scratchy/sore throat is gone and finally my sinus have decongested to the degree that I am blowing all of it out. I am still not 100% as I have to keep the tissue box within reach and the sneezing continues. But I guess it is latently developed allergies due to the bee and various pollens being historically higher than normal causing major congestion in my sinuses just short of an actual sinus infection. After looking sinus infections can be caused by allergies as well and cause the same assortment of symptoms I have suffered now for 5 days.

Ahhh. The many facets of aging!!!

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